Friday, March 1, 2019

Marketing Orientation Sample Essay

trade orientation is a ideal of an organization which underlines that the accompanys success is mainly based on customers satisfaction. The stress here is put on valuing consumers unavoidably and wants first of all. A selling point firm (also called the selling concept, or consumer focus, or customer focus) is one that allows the wants and needs of customers and potential customers to drive all the firms strategic decisions. The firms corporate culture is systematically pull to creating customer value. The rationale is that the more a company understands and meets the real needs of its consumers, the more likely it is to have happy customers who come back for more, and regularise their friends (wikipedia).Marketing orientation concept evolved between the late 1960s and archaeozoic 1970s. Firstly, it was developed at Harvard University. Marketing orientation replaced toil orientation and sales orientation which were prevailing before. By this time numerous researches wer e made in found to investigate selling orientation more thoroughly and postulate requirement conclusions about the influence of this concept. However, collar of marketing orientation is not clear and is discussed from different points of view. There ar studies which propose philosophical admittance towards marketing orientation and there are those which turn to behavioral conception of marketing orientation.I would like to mention opinions of several researchers towards the topic of marketing orientation. Desphande and Webster, like more separates, share ideas of philosophical and cultural qualities of marketing orientation. In their study in 1992 they use the term customer orientation to discover a specialized set of beliefs that puts the customers interests first and ahead of those of all other stakeholders (e.g. owners, managers, employees) which, in their view, should be considered as classify of a broader, and more fundamental, corporate culture( ris/Marketing_Orientation_and_Its_Development.pdf).On other way, marketing orientation is viewed as specific company behavior. Trout and Ries (1985), for example, perceive marketing orientation as an effort to heap up market intelligence upon which the effort to build a competitive utility is based. Elliot (1987) considers satisfying customers needs important but insufficient, and proposes strategies for achieving customers satisfaction to be save a part of marketing orientation concept which should combine galore(postnominal) other features.More developed marketing orientation improves companys performancethere is a direct connection. Many companies may boom using marketing orientation, and some fail. The difficulty is that marketing orientation is specific, it combines accompaniment culture and behavior of a firm. So, once a company decides to suffer on consumers satisfaction and apply marketing orientation there are many challenges and innovations coming into companys philo sophy. First step of the company is to investigate customers expectations. Later, products or services are produced considering the information obtained from performed investigation. The final part is to follow and evaluate consumers satisfaction in order to make necessary adjustments. And so it becomes a continuous process for the company in order to keep track and continue to improve business.There are many methods and approaches used in marketing orientation. The ideal model of marketing oriented company would include all necessary marketing activities. There is marketing research in order to identify customers wants, research and development production developing the products according to consumers wishes, pricing which undermines value of the product to customers, distribution to the make up place at the right time, and promotion in order to inform customers of the product. Marketing oriented company should also possess characteristics such as marketing research and product i nnovation techniques, broad product lines, possibleness of ancillary services, customer support, tight organizational structure.I consider marketing orientation to be a very positive and necessary concept. Basically, customers are those who make business prosper. So, the more company listens to the expectations of consumers and the more loyal and understanding is the philosophy of the company, the more customers it willing attractand more profit will be attained using rather ethical, as to my opinion, approach to business.BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Avlonitis G. and Gounaris S., Marketing Orientation and Company Performance A Comparative Study of industrial vs. Consumer Goods Companies, Industrial Marketing Management,vol. 26, no.5 (1997)2. Bonoma T., The Marketing Edge Making Strategies Work (1985)3. http//

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